Prof. Dr. Tobias Glasmachers
Theory of Machine Learning
Theory of Machine Learning
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Neuroinformatik
Universitätsstraße 150
Building NB, Room NB 3/27
Universitätsstraße 150
Building NB, Room NB 3/27
D-44801 Bochum, Germany
About Me
I am a professor for theory of machine learning at the Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. I am heading the Optimization of Adaptive Systems group. My research interests are optimization, and machine learning / artificial intelligence.
Short CV
- 2004-2008: Ph.D. candidate in Christian Igel's group at the Institut für Neuroinformatik in Bochum. I received my Ph.D. in 2008 from the Faculty of Mathematics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.
- 2008-2009: Post-doc in the same group.
- 2009-2011: Post-doc in Jürgen Schmidhuber's group at IDSIA, Lugano, Switzerland.
- 2012-2018: Junior professor for theory of machine learning at the Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. I am the head of the optimization of adaptive systems group.
- 2018: Promotion to full professor.
My research is located in the area of machine learning, a modern branch of artificial intelligence research. This is an interdisciplinary research topic in between computer science, statistics, and optimization, with connections to the neurosciences and applications in robotics, engineering, medicine, economics, and many more disciplines. Within this wide area I am focusing on three aspects: supervised learning and reinforcement learning (including modern deep learning), and optimization with simple gradient-based methods and with evolutionary algorithms.
Supervised Machine Learning
Supervised learning is a learning paradigm with endless (mostly technical) applications. A learning machine (algorithm) builds a predictive model from data provided in the form of input/output pairs. This allows for the automated solution of classification and regression problems. A primary example is classification of objects in images, a classic computer vision task. I have recently started to reach out to reinforcement learning problems in 3D environments for fully autonomous behavior learning of robots or computer game agents (bots). My research activities include both theoretical and practical aspects.
Reinforcement Learning
Among all machine learning paradigms, reinforcement learning is closest to our intuitive idea of behavior learning. An agent interacts with an environment and learns by trial and error. Robotics in full of extremely challenging examples of this type. I mostly deal with computer game environments. Learning complex behaviors for 3D ego perspective games like DooM or Minecraft is one of the long-term goals of my research.
Gradient-based optimization, particularly relatively simple first order methods like (stochastic) gradient descent and coordinate descent, are at the heart of many modern training procedures for learning machines, in particular for (possibly regularized) empirical risk minimization. This includes backpropagation based training of (deep) neural networks, as well as convex (primal or dual) optimization, e.g., for support vector machine training.
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are a class of nature-inspired algorithms that mimic the process of Darwinian evolution. This process is resolved into the components inheritance, variation, and selection. It has been widely recognized that EAs are useful for search and optimization, in particular when derivatives are not available. Formally they can be understood as randomized direct search heuristics. They are suitable for tackling black-box optimization problems. I focus on evolution strategies, a class of optimization algorithms for continuous variables, and on multi-objective optimization.
For meachine learning ralated research at RUB please check this website:
Variable Metric Evolution Strategies for High-dimensional Multi-Objective Optimization
Challenges of Convex Quadratic Bi-objective Benchmark Problems
Code for reproducing the experiments in the paper.
The Hessian Estimation Evolution Strategy
LM-MA-ES (large-scale variable metric evolution strategy)
BBComp (archive)
Mirror of the (now shut-down) bbcomp server
Precomputed Merging of Support Vectors
budgeted stochastic gradient Descent with fast merging of support vectors
Asynchronous ES
An asynchronous natural evolution strategy.
Adaptive Coordinate Frequencies Coordinate Descent
Coordinate descent with online adaptation of coordinate frequencies for fast training of linear models.
LASSO-code, modified liblinear.
Hypervolume Maximization
Maximization of dominated hypervolume for multi-objective benchmark problems.
HMO-CMA-ES (hybrid multi-objective covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy)
CMA-ES with multiplicative covariance update.
Pareto Archive
An efficient archiving algorithm for non-dominated solutions in multi-objective optimization.
Stochastic Gradient Optimization
Comparison of SGD, SAG, SVRG, and ADAM for training kernel machines on a budget.
Limits of End-to-end Learning
Volume Determination Challenges in Waste Sorting Facilities: Observations and StrategiesMaus, T., Zengeler, N., Sänger, D., & Glasmachers, T.MDPI Sensors, 24(7), 2114
@article{MausZengelerSängerEtAl2024, author = {Maus, Tom and Zengeler, Nico and Sänger, Dorothee and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Volume Determination Challenges in Waste Sorting Facilities: Observations and Strategies}, journal = {MDPI Sensors}, volume = {24}, number = {7}, pages = {2114}, month = {March}, year = {2024}, doi = {10.3390/s24072114}, }
Maus, T., Zengeler, N., Sänger, D., & Glasmachers, T.. (2024). Volume Determination Challenges in Waste Sorting Facilities: Observations and Strategies. MDPI Sensors, 24(7), 2114.—An interactive tool supporting the design of human-centered AI solutionsBauroth, M., Rath-Manakidis, P., Langholf, V., Wiskott, L., & Glasmachers, T.Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 7@article{BaurothRath-ManakidisLangholfEtAl2024, author = {Bauroth, Max and Rath-Manakidis, Pavlos and Langholf, Valentin and Wiskott, Laurenz and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {tachAId—An interactive tool supporting the design of human-centered AI solutions}, journal = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {7}, year = {2024}, doi = {10.3389/frai.2024.1354114}, }
Bauroth, M., Rath-Manakidis, P., Langholf, V., Wiskott, L., & Glasmachers, T.. (2024). tachAId—An interactive tool supporting the design of human-centered AI solutions. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 7. a Real-World Optimization Problem Using Proximal Policy Optimization with Curriculum Learning and Reward EngineeringPendyala, A., Atamna, A., & Glasmachers, T.In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Applied Data Science Track (ECML-PKDD) (pp. 150–165) Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland@inproceedings{PendyalaAtamnaGlasmachers2024, author = {Pendyala, Abhijeet and Atamna, Asma and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Solving a Real-World Optimization Problem Using Proximal Policy Optimization with Curriculum Learning and Reward Engineering}, booktitle = {Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Applied Data Science Track (ECML-PKDD)}, pages = {150–165}, publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, address = {Cham}, year = {2024}, }
Pendyala, A., Atamna, A., & Glasmachers, T.. (2024). Solving a Real-World Optimization Problem Using Proximal Policy Optimization with Curriculum Learning and Reward Engineering. In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Applied Data Science Track (ECML-PKDD) (pp. 150–165). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.ContainerGym: A Real-World Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Resource AllocationPendyala, A., Dettmer, J., Glasmachers, T., & Atamna, A.In Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (pp. 78–92) Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland@inproceedings{PendyalaDettmerGlasmachersEtAl2024, author = {Pendyala, Abhijeet and Dettmer, Justin and Glasmachers, Tobias and Atamna, Asma}, title = {ContainerGym: A Real-World Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Resource Allocation}, booktitle = {Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science}, pages = {78–92}, publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, address = {Cham}, year = {2024}, }
Pendyala, A., Dettmer, J., Glasmachers, T., & Atamna, A.. (2024). ContainerGym: A Real-World Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Resource Allocation. In Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science (pp. 78–92). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.ProtoP-OD: Explainable Object Detection with Prototypical PartsRath-Manakidis, P., Strothmann, F., Glasmachers, T., & Wiskott, L.arXiv@misc{Rath-ManakidisStrothmannGlasmachersEtAl2024, author = {Rath-Manakidis, Pavlos and Strothmann, Frederik and Glasmachers, Tobias and Wiskott, Laurenz}, title = {ProtoP-OD: Explainable Object Detection with Prototypical Parts}, year = {2024}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2402.19142}, }
Rath-Manakidis, P., Strothmann, F., Glasmachers, T., & Wiskott, L.. (2024). ProtoP-OD: Explainable Object Detection with Prototypical Parts. arXiv.
Leveraging Topological Maps in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Object NavigationHakenes, S., & Glasmachers, T.arXiv@misc{HakenesGlasmachers2023, author = {Hakenes, Simon and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Leveraging Topological Maps in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Object Navigation}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2310.10250}, }
Hakenes, S., & Glasmachers, T.. (2023). Leveraging Topological Maps in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Object Navigation. arXiv.
Global linear convergence of evolution strategies on more than smooth strongly convex functionsAkimoto, Y., Auger, A., Glasmachers, T., & Morinaga, D.SIAM Journal on Optimization, 32(2), 1402–1429@article{AkimotoAugerGlasmachersEtAl2022, author = {Akimoto, Youhei and Auger, Anne and Glasmachers, Tobias and Morinaga, Daiki}, title = {Global linear convergence of evolution strategies on more than smooth strongly convex functions}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Optimization}, volume = {32}, number = {2}, pages = {1402–1429}, year = {2022}, }
Akimoto, Y., Auger, A., Glasmachers, T., & Morinaga, D. (2022). Global linear convergence of evolution strategies on more than smooth strongly convex functions. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 32(2), 1402–1429.Recipe for Fast Large-scale SVM Training: Polishing, Parallelism, and more RAM!Glasmachers,{Glasmachers2022, author = {Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Recipe for Fast Large-scale SVM Training: Polishing, Parallelism, and more RAM!}, institution = {}, number = {2207.01016}, year = {2022}, }
Glasmachers, T. (2022). Recipe for Fast Large-scale SVM Training: Polishing, Parallelism, and more RAM! (No. 2207.01016). Analysis of the Hessian Estimation Evolution StrategyGlasmachers, T., & Krause, O.Evolutionary Computation Journal (ECJ), 30(1), 27–50@article{GlasmachersKrause2022, author = {Glasmachers, Tobias and Krause, Oswin}, title = {Convergence Analysis of the Hessian Estimation Evolution Strategy}, journal = {Evolutionary Computation Journal (ECJ)}, volume = {30}, number = {1}, pages = {27–50}, year = {2022}, }
Glasmachers, T., & Krause, O. (2022). Convergence Analysis of the Hessian Estimation Evolution Strategy. Evolutionary Computation Journal (ECJ), 30(1), 27–50.Latent Representation Prediction NetworksHlynsson, H. D., Schüler, M., Schiewer, R., Glasmachers, T., & Wiskott, L.International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 36(01), 2251002@article{HlynssonSchülerSchiewerEtAl2022, author = {Hlynsson, Hlynur David and Schüler, Merlin and Schiewer, Robin and Glasmachers, Tobias and Wiskott, Laurenz}, title = {Latent Representation Prediction Networks}, journal = {International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {36}, number = {01}, pages = {2251002}, year = {2022}, doi = {10.1142/S0218001422510028}, }
Hlynsson, H. D., Schüler, M., Schiewer, R., Glasmachers, T., & Wiskott, L.. (2022). Latent Representation Prediction Networks. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 36(01), 2251002. Stable RNN with Top Down Feedback and AntisymmetrySchwabe, T., Glasmachers, T., & Acosta, M.In Proceedings of the 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML). To Appear@inproceedings{SchwabeGlasmachersAcosta2022, author = {Schwabe, Tim and Glasmachers, Tobias and Acosta, Maribel}, title = {AFRNN: Stable RNN with Top Down Feedback and Antisymmetry}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML). To Appear}, pages = {}, year = {2022}, }
Schwabe, T., Glasmachers, T., & Acosta, M.. (2022). AFRNN: Stable RNN with Top Down Feedback and Antisymmetry. In Proceedings of the 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML). To Appear.2021
Improved Protein Function Prediction by Combining Clustering with Ensemble ClassificationAltartouri, H., & Glasmachers, T.Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT)@article{AltartouriGlasmachers2021, author = {Altartouri, Haneen and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Improved Protein Function Prediction by Combining Clustering with Ensemble Classification}, journal = {Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT)}, month = {August}, year = {2021}, }
Altartouri, H., & Glasmachers, T.. (2021). Improved Protein Function Prediction by Combining Clustering with Ensemble Classification. Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT).Application of Reinforcement Learning to a Mining SystemFidencio, A., Naro, D., & Glasmachers, T.In 19th IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI′2021)@inproceedings{FidencioNaroGlasmachers2021, author = {Fidencio, Aline and Naro, Daniele and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Application of Reinforcement Learning to a Mining System}, booktitle = {19th IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI′2021)}, year = {2021}, }
Fidencio, A., Naro, D., & Glasmachers, T.. (2021). Application of Reinforcement Learning to a Mining System. In 19th IEEE World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI′2021).The (1+1)-ES Reliably Overcomes Saddle PointsGlasmachers,{Glasmachers2021, author = {Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {The (1+1)-ES Reliably Overcomes Saddle Points}, institution = {}, number = {2112.00888}, year = {2021}, }
Glasmachers, T. (2021). The (1+1)-ES Reliably Overcomes Saddle Points (No. 2112.00888). Optimization: Imposing Structure on Optimization Problems by RelaxationMüller, N., & Glasmachers, T.In Proceedings of the 16th ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA′21) Association for Computing Machinery@inproceedings{MüllerGlasmachers2021, author = {Müller, Nils and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Non-local Optimization: Imposing Structure on Optimization Problems by Relaxation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA′21)}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1145/3450218.3477307}, }
Müller, N., & Glasmachers, T.. (2021). Non-local Optimization: Imposing Structure on Optimization Problems by Relaxation. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA′21). Association for Computing Machinery.
Improving the performance of EEG decoding using anchored-STFT in conjunction with gradient norm adversarial augmentationAli, O., Saif-ur-Rehman, M., Dyck, S., Glasmachers, T., Iossifidis, I., & Klaes,{AliSaif-ur-RehmanDyckEtAl2020, author = {Ali, Omair and Saif-ur-Rehman, Muhammad and Dyck, Susanne and Glasmachers, Tobias and Iossifidis, Ioannis and Klaes, Christian}, title = {Improving the performance of EEG decoding using anchored-STFT in conjunction with gradient norm adversarial augmentation}, institution = {}, number = {2011.14694}, year = {2020}, }
Ali, O., Saif-ur-Rehman, M., Dyck, S., Glasmachers, T., Iossifidis, I., & Klaes, C. (2020). Improving the performance of EEG decoding using anchored-STFT in conjunction with gradient norm adversarial augmentation (No. 2011.14694). Versatile Combination of Classifiers for Protein Function PredictionAltartouri, H., & Glasmachers, T.The Twelfth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies@aricle{AltartouriGlasmachers2020, author = {Altartouri, Haneen and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {A Versatile Combination of Classifiers for Protein Function Prediction}, year = {2020}, }
Altartouri, H., & Glasmachers, T.. (2020). A Versatile Combination of Classifiers for Protein Function Prediction. The Twelfth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies.Global Convergence of the (1+1) Evolution StrategyGlasmachers, T.Evolutionary Computation Journal (ECJ), 28(1), 27–53@article{Glasmachers2020, author = {Glasmachers, T.}, title = {Global Convergence of the (1+1) Evolution Strategy}, journal = {Evolutionary Computation Journal (ECJ)}, volume = {28}, number = {1}, pages = {27–53}, year = {2020}, }
Glasmachers, T. (2020). Global Convergence of the (1+1) Evolution Strategy. Evolutionary Computation Journal (ECJ), 28(1), 27–53.The Hessian Estimation Evolution StrategyGlasmachers, T., & Krause, O.In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XVII) Springer@inproceedings{GlasmachersKrause2020, author = {Glasmachers, Tobias and Krause, Oswin}, title = {The Hessian Estimation Evolution Strategy}, booktitle = {Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XVII)}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2020}, }
Glasmachers, T., & Krause, O. (2020). The Hessian Estimation Evolution Strategy. In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XVII). Springer.Latent Representation Prediction NetworksHlynsson, H. D., Schüler, M., Schiewer, R., Glasmachers, T., & Wiskott, L.arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09439@article{HlynssonSchülerSchiewerEtAl2020, author = {Hlynsson, Hlynur Davíð and Schüler, Merlin and Schiewer, Robin and Glasmachers, Tobias and Wiskott, Laurenz}, title = {Latent Representation Prediction Networks}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09439}, year = {2020}, }
Hlynsson, H. D., Schüler, M., Schiewer, R., Glasmachers, T., & Wiskott, L.. (2020). Latent Representation Prediction Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.09439.Analyzing Reinforcement Learning Benchmarks with Random Weight GuessingOller, D., Cuccu, G., & Glasmachers, T.In International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems@inproceedings{OllerCuccuGlasmachers2020, author = {Oller, Declan and Cuccu, Giuseppe and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Analyzing Reinforcement Learning Benchmarks with Random Weight Guessing}, booktitle = {International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems}, year = {2020}, }
Oller, D., Cuccu, G., & Glasmachers, T.. (2020). Analyzing Reinforcement Learning Benchmarks with Random Weight Guessing. In International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems.SpikeDeep-Classifier: A deep-learning based fully automatic offline spike sorting algorithmSaif-ur-Rehman, M., Ali, O., Dyck, S., Lienkämper, R., Metzler, M., Parpaley, Y., et al.Journal of Neural Engineering@article{Saif-ur-RehmanAliDyckEtAl2020, author = {Saif-ur-Rehman, Muhammad and Ali, Omair and Dyck, Susanne and Lienkämper, Robin and Metzler, Marita and Parpaley, Yaroslav and Wellmer, Jörg and Liu, Charles and Lee, Brian and Kellis, Spencer and Andersen, Richard and Iossifidis, Ioannis and Glasmachers, Tobias and Klaes, Christian}, title = {SpikeDeep-Classifier: A deep-learning based fully automatic offline spike sorting algorithm}, journal = {Journal of Neural Engineering}, year = {2020}, }
Saif-ur-Rehman, M., Ali, O., Dyck, S., Lienkämper, R., Metzler, M., Parpaley, Y., et al. (2020). SpikeDeep-Classifier: A deep-learning based fully automatic offline spike sorting algorithm. Journal of Neural Engineering.AI for Social Good: Unlocking the Opportunity for Positive ImpactTomašev, N., Cornebise, J., Hutter, F., Picciariello, A., Connelly, B., Belgrave, D. C. M., et al.Nature Communications, (2468)@article{TomaševCornebiseHutterEtAl2020, author = {Tomašev, Nenad and Cornebise, Julien and Hutter, Frank and Picciariello, Angela and Connelly, Bec and Belgrave, Danielle C. M. and Ezer, Daphne and Cachat van der Haert, Fanny and Mugisha, Frank and Abila, Gerald and Arai, Hiromi and Almiraat, Hisham and Proskurnia, Julia and Snyder, Kyle and Otake, Mihoko and Othman, Mustafa and Mohamed, Shakir and Glasmachers, Tobias and de Wever, Wilfried and Teh, Yee Whye and Khan, Mohammad Emtiyaz and De Winne, Ruben and 1, Tom Schaul and Clopath, Claudia}, title = {AI for Social Good: Unlocking the Opportunity for Positive Impact}, journal = {Nature Communications}, number = {2468}, year = {2020}, }
Tomašev, N., Cornebise, J., Hutter, F., Picciariello, A., Connelly, B., Belgrave, D. C. M., et al. (2020). AI for Social Good: Unlocking the Opportunity for Positive Impact. Nature Communications, (2468).2019
Moment Vector Encoding of Protein Sequences for Supervised ClassificationAltartouri, H., & Glasmachers, T.In Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 13th International Conference (pp. 25–35) Springer International Publishing@incollection{AltartouriGlasmachers2019, author = {Altartouri, Haneen and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Moment Vector Encoding of Protein Sequences for Supervised Classification}, booktitle = {Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 13th International Conference}, pages = {25–35}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, month = {June}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-23873-5_4}, }
Altartouri, H., & Glasmachers, T.. (2019). Moment Vector Encoding of Protein Sequences for Supervised Classification. In Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 13th International Conference (pp. 25–35). Springer International Publishing. of Convex Quadratic Bi-objective Benchmark ProblemsGlasmachers, T.In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) (pp. 559–567) ACM@inproceedings{Glasmachers2019, author = {Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Challenges of Convex Quadratic Bi-objective Benchmark Problems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)}, pages = {559–567}, publisher = {ACM}, year = {2019}, }
Glasmachers, T. (2019). Challenges of Convex Quadratic Bi-objective Benchmark Problems. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) (pp. 559–567). ACM.Boosting Reinforcement Learning with Unsupervised Feature ExtractionHakenes, S., & Glasmachers, T.In Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2019: Theoretical Neural Computation (pp. 555–566) Springer International Publishing@incollection{HakenesGlasmachers2019, author = {Hakenes, Simon and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Boosting Reinforcement Learning with Unsupervised Feature Extraction}, booktitle = {Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2019: Theoretical Neural Computation}, pages = {555–566}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-30487-4_43}, }
Hakenes, S., & Glasmachers, T.. (2019). Boosting Reinforcement Learning with Unsupervised Feature Extraction. In Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2019: Theoretical Neural Computation (pp. 555–566). Springer International Publishing. Shape and Color Classification Using Convolutional NeuralNetworkNafzi, M., Brauckmann, M., & Glasmachers,{NafziBrauckmannGlasmachers2019, author = {Nafzi, Mohamed and Brauckmann, Michael and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Vehicle Shape and Color Classification Using Convolutional NeuralNetwork}, number = {1905.08612}, year = {2019}, }
Nafzi, M., Brauckmann, M., & Glasmachers, T.. (2019). Vehicle Shape and Color Classification Using Convolutional NeuralNetwork (No. 1905.08612). SVM Training on a BudgetQaadan, S., Schüler, M., & Glasmachers, T.In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications@inproceedings{QaadanSchülerGlasmachers2019, author = {Qaadan, Sahar and Schüler, Merlin and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Dual SVM Training on a Budget}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods}, publisher = {SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications}, year = {2019}, }
Qaadan, S., Schüler, M., & Glasmachers, T.. (2019). Dual SVM Training on a Budget. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications.Modeling Macroscopic Material Behavior With Machine Learning Algorithms Trained by Micromechanical SimulationsReimann, D., Nidadavolu, K., ul Hassan, H., Vajragupta, N., Glasmachers, T., Junker, P., & Hartmaier, A.Frontiers in Materials, 6, 181@article{ReimannNidadavoluul HassanEtAl2019, author = {Reimann, Denise and Nidadavolu, Kapil and ul Hassan, Hamad and Vajragupta, Napat and Glasmachers, Tobias and Junker, Philipp and Hartmaier, Alexander}, title = {Modeling Macroscopic Material Behavior With Machine Learning Algorithms Trained by Micromechanical Simulations}, journal = {Frontiers in Materials}, volume = {6}, pages = {181}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.3389/fmats.2019.00181}, }
Reimann, D., Nidadavolu, K., ul Hassan, H., Vajragupta, N., Glasmachers, T., Junker, P., & Hartmaier, A. (2019). Modeling Macroscopic Material Behavior With Machine Learning Algorithms Trained by Micromechanical Simulations. Frontiers in Materials, 6, 181. A deep-learning based method for detection of neural spiking activitySaif-ur-Rehman, M., Lienkämper, R., Parpaley, Y., Wellmer, J., Liu, C., Lee, B., et al.Journal of Neural Engineering@article{Saif-ur-RehmanLienkämperParpaleyEtAl2019, author = {Saif-ur-Rehman, Muhammad and Lienkämper, Robin and Parpaley, Yaroslav and Wellmer, Jörg and Liu, Charles and Lee, Brian and Kellis, Spencer and Andersen, Richard and Iossifidis, Ioannis and Glasmachers, Tobias and Klaes, Christian}, title = {SpikeDeeptector: A deep-learning based method for detection of neural spiking activity}, journal = {Journal of Neural Engineering}, year = {2019}, }
Saif-ur-Rehman, M., Lienkämper, R., Parpaley, Y., Wellmer, J., Liu, C., Lee, B., et al. (2019). SpikeDeeptector: A deep-learning based method for detection of neural spiking activity. Journal of Neural Engineering.2018
Drift Theory in Continuous Search Spaces: Expected Hitting Time of the (1+1)-ES with 1/5 Success RuleAkimoto, Y., Auger, A., & Glasmachers, T.In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) ACM@inproceedings{AkimotoAugerGlasmachers2018, author = {Akimoto, Youhei and Auger, Anne and Glasmachers, Tobias}, title = {Drift Theory in Continuous Search Spaces: Expected Hitting Time of the (1+1)-ES with 1/5 Success Rule}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)}, publisher = {ACM}, year = {2018}, }
Akimoto, Y., Auger, A., & Glasmachers, T.. (2018). Drift Theory in Continuous Search Spaces: Expected Hitting Time of the (1+1)-ES with 1/5 Success Rule. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO). ACM.Speeding Up Budgeted Dual SVM Training with Precomputed GSSGlasmachers, T., & Qaadan, S.(M. M. -y-G. Ruben Vera-Rodriguez Sergio Velastin & Morales, A., Eds.), The 23rd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition@postproceedings{GlasmachersQaadan2018b, author = {Glasmachers, Tobias and Qaadan, Sahar}, title = {Speeding Up Budgeted Dual SVM Training with Precomputed GSS}, year = {2018}, }
Glasmachers, T., & Qaadan, S.. (2018). Speeding Up Budgeted Dual SVM Training with Precomputed GSS. (M. M. -y-G. Ruben Vera-Rodriguez Sergio Velastin & Morales, A., Eds.), The 23rd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition.Speeding Up Budgeted Stochastic Gradient Descent SVM Training with Precomputed Golden Section SearchGlasmachers, T., & Qaadan, S.In G. Nicosia, Pardalos, P., Giuffrida, G., Umeton, R., & Sciacca, V. (Eds.), The 4th International Conference on machine Learning, Optimization and Data science - LOD 2018@inproceedings{GlasmachersQaadan2018, author = {Glasmachers, Tobias and Qaadan, Sahar}, title = {Speeding Up Budgeted Stochastic Gradient Descent SVM Training with Precomputed Golden Section Search}, booktitle = {The 4th International Conference on machine Learning, Optimization and Data science - LOD 2018}, editor = {Nicosia, Giuseppe and Pardalos, Panos and Giuffrida, Giovanni and Umeton, Renato and Sciacca, Vincenzo}, year = {2018}, }