Optical Imaging Group publishes in The Journal of Neuroscience
- Prof. Dr. Dirk Jancke
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- February 11, 2016
"Darks are faster than lights"
Rekauzke et al. - Temporal asymmetry in dark-bright processing initiates propagating activity across primary visual cortex. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3235-15.2016
In this paper it is shown how sudden counterchange in luminance creates motion signals across visual cortex.
The Institut für Neuroinformatik (INI) is a central research unit of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. We aim to understand the fundamental principles through which organisms generate behavior and cognition while linked to their environments through sensory systems and while acting in those environments through effector systems. Inspired by our insights into such natural cognitive systems, we seek new solutions to problems of information processing in artificial cognitive systems. We draw from a variety of disciplines that include experimental approaches from psychology and neurophysiology as well as theoretical approaches from physics, mathematics, electrical engineering and applied computer science, in particular machine learning, artificial intelligence, and computer vision.
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