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Results of the GECCO'2017 2-OBJ expensive Track

"Raw" Result Data

On each problem participants were judged by the overall dominated hypervolume within the given budget of function evaluations. There were 7 participants in the field. The best function value per problem and participant (1000 times 7 double precision numbers) is listed in this text file.

Participant Ranking

Participants were ranked based on aggregated problem-wise ranks (details here and here). The following results table lists participants with overall scores (higher is better) and the sum of ranks over all problems (lower is better) The table can be sorted w.r.t. these criteria.

rank participant method name method description software paper score  sum of ranks 
1 Artelys Artelys Knitro Artelys Knitro used in derivative-free mode with multistart link link 615.094 3414
2 Simon Wessing MBHVMAX+SMSEMOA Model-based hypervolume maximization and SMS-EMOA link 440.038 3441
3 EMAGIN's Tomcat Emagin's Tomcat (Phoenix mode) - Developed by Mohammadamin Jahanpour 408.622 3432
4 Poly Montreal 271.354 4149
5 Jeremy M Custom algorithm 234.357 4385
6 Ralf S. Mix of PSO and GA designed for single objective optimization 203.412 4311
7 Al Jimenez 194.247 4868

Visualization of Performance Data

The following figure shows an aggregated view on the performance data.

The following figures show the same data, but separately for each problem dimension.