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SS 2009 (310203)

Computational Neuroscience: Vision and Memory

Lecture and Tutorial
Prof. Dr. Laurenz Wiskott
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Lecture (2 SWS, 2 credit points): Thursdays 16:00-17:30 o'clock (first lecture 16.4.) in the INI seminar room ND 03/89,92.
Tutorial (2 SWS, 4 credit points): Thursdays 14:15-15:45 o'clock (first tutorial 23.4.) in the INI seminar room ND 03/89,92.

This computational neuroscience course covers models and theoretical concepts of vision and memory, such as visual receptive fields, neural map formation, visual invariances, attention, and associative memories.

The mathematical level of the course is mixed. There are some lectures that require almost no math and others that require a lot. The tutorial is almost entirely mathematical. Mathematics required include calculus (functions, derivatives, integrals, differential equations, ...), linear algebra (vectors, matrices, inner product, orthogonal vectors, basis systems, ...), and a bit of probability theory (probabilities, probability densities, Bayes' theorem, ...).

Criteria for a certificate for the tutorial are an active participation, in particular presentation of selected exercises, and at least 50% in the final exam.

This course can be given in English upon request. Course material (lecture notes and exercise sheets) will be in English in any case.


1 16.04.2009 Introduction
2 23.04.2009 Hebbian Learning
3 30.04.2009 Visual Receptive Fields I (physiology, simple cell models)
4 07.05.2009 Visual Receptive Fields II (complex cell models, SFA)
5 14.05.2009 Neural Fields
- 21.05.2009 national holiday
6 28.05.2009 Neural Map Formation (physiology, models)
- 04.06.2009 Pentecost break
- 11.06.2009 national holiday
7 18.06.2009 From Neural Dynamics to Constrained Optimization I
8 25.06.2009 From Neural Dynamics to Constrained Optimization II
9 02.07.2009 Visual Invariances
10 09.07.2009 Associative Memory / Hopfield Networks I
11 16.07.2009 Associative Memory / Hopfield Networks II
- 23.07.2009 canceled

Laurenz Wiskott,