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WS 2006/2007

Computational Neuroscience: Oberseminar

Dr. Laurenz Wiskott, Prof. Andreas V. M. Herz, and Dr. Richard Kempter
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Oberseminar: Monday 14:15-15:15 Uhr in the ITB seminar room (Invalidenstraße 43)

In this seminar various topics of current research in computational neuroscience are presented. Attendees should have basic knowledge in neuroscience and computational neuroscience, e.g. from the courses "Computational Neuroscience I-IV".


23.10.2006 Christian Leibold

30.10.2006 Raphael Ritz
"Pylab: an open-source alternative to Matlab?"

06.11.2006 Samuel Glauser

13.11.2006 Uwe Roehner
"Adaptation, Synchronization and the Bifurcation Structure"

20.11.2006 Mathias Franzius
"From Grids to Places"

27.11.2006 Márton Danóczy
"A minimal model describing adaptation and spike-timing variability"

04.12.2006 Constance Scharff (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics; Freie Universität Berlin)
"Singing in the brain: neuroethology of songbirds"

11.12.2006 Shiro Usui (Neuroinformatics Laboratory, RIKEN Neuroscience Institute)

18.12.2006 Paula Kuokkanen

08.01.2007 Robert Schmidt

22.01.2007 Martin Stemmler

29.01.2007 Roland Schaette

05.02.2007 Felix Creutzig
"Processing temporal patterns: Common computations in different systems?"

12.02.2007 Stefan Klampfl (TU Graz)
"Information Bottleneck Optimization and Independent Component Extraction with Spiking Neurons"

26.02.2007 Raphael Ritz

05.02.2007 Bartosz Telenczuk

12.03.2007 Ulf Knoblich (MIT, Group of Tommy Poggio)
"Biophysical Models of Neural Computation: Max and Tuning Circuits"

19.03.2007 Peter Appleby

26.03.2007 Ulrike Ziehm (Arbeitsgruppe Oliver Behrend)
"Lateral line mediated prey localization in Xenopus laevis"

Laurenz Wiskott,